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產品資訊 - GPF16002A


Working Voltage (V)Max. CPU Speed (MHz)ROM (Byte)RAM (Byte)I/OAudio Output (DAC)ADC (CH)H/W MIDI Channel (SPU)USB/SPI/UARTTFT/STN/16GraySDRAM/MAND FlashSD CardMP3WDT (S/W Option)LVR
2.9~5.596-14K5816-bit x212-bit x516V/V/--/V/V---VV

General Description

GPF16002A, a highly integrated System-on-a-Chip (SoC), is a cost-effective and high performance micro-controller solution for game, education and interactive learning applications.  The GPF16002A comes with an m’nSP® 2.0 CPU with 8KB I-cache and 16-channel Sound Process Unit (SPU) for electronic musical instruments, portable Karaoke or other similar products. With the 16-bit CPU running up to 96MHz, most of the voice compression algorithms can be utilized with MIDI synthesizer applications simultaneously. In addition, it supports SPI Flash controller, two-channel DMA controller, USB device, mono STN-LCD interface, interrupt controller, and many other advanced features.  Providing a complete set of common system peripherals, GPF16002A minimizes overall system costs and eliminates many additional components that other microcontrollers may require.  The GPF16002A development system integrates several powerful tools, such as system with C language, assembly compiler, linker, source debugger, and project management tool.


  • 16-bit m’nSP® 0 microprocessor with:
    • operating speed up to 96MHz
    • operating voltage from 2.9V to 5.5V
  • Memory

- 4K*16-bit I-cache

- 10K*16-bit RAM, stack area included

- Linear mapping and executing program on the external SPI FLASH.  Both 2-IO mode and 4-IO mode are supported.

  • I/O Ports
    • 58 General Programmable I/O ports (GPIO).
    • Each incorporates with pull-up resistor, pull-down resistor or floating input as programmer’s settings on the corresponding registers
    • 13 high driving I/O ports with LED driving capability and 40mA current sink
  • Clock Management
    • Internal oscillator: 8MHz ±1.5%(typ), @ 7V~3.6V
    • 32768Hz Crystal input @ 62V~1.98V
    • PLL (Phase-Lock Loop): 8MHz~96MHz, step=4MHz @ 2.7V~3.6V
  • Flexible Power Management (Operating/Power down/Wait/Halt Mode)
    • Operating mode: High performance@96MHz high speed
    • Deep Halt mode: 3.3V/1.8V off and only RTC on, approx. 5uA current consumption.
    • Wait mode: CPU clock off and system clock all on
    • Halt mode: CPU and system clocks are all off. Only RTC, 32768Hz-XTAL, and LDOs modules are active
  • Mono and 16-gray STN-LCD controller interface
  • Sound Process Unit (SPU)
    • 16 hardware PCM/ADPCM channels
    • Cache supporting for directly accessing 16-channel wave table on external SPI Flash, 2-channel A1800 playback
  • 16-channel capacitive touch detection
  • Two-channel DMA controller.
  • 29 sources Interrupt Controller.
  • Universal Serial Bus (USB)0 full speed compliant device with built-in transceiver.
  • Watchdog timer.
  • Independent power real-time clock.
  • 11-output x 8-input matrix key scan controller which supports velocity key function up to 88 keys.
  • Eight 16-bit timers.
  • Four re-loadable timers/counters support comparison, PWM, capture and BAM (4-bit angle modulation)
  • SPI master/slave controller.
  • Power controller with on power-on key and one system power enable output pad.
  • Built-in 5.5V to 3.3V regulator, 3.3V to 1.8V regulator, Regulator for touch pad macro and regulator for ADC
  • Low voltage reset(LVR)( 2.4V trigger/2.6V release for 3.3V)
  • IOSC, 96MHz PLL
  • DAC: Two 16-bit DACs (R2R DAC for L-R speaker), 1x14-bit push-pull AMP
  • ADC: Two 12-bit ADCs
    • One for MIC in with PGA and digital AGC
    • One for 8-channel line-in
