General Description
GPL811P04A, a special designed CMOS 8-bit microprocessor by Generalplus, offers the best cost/performance ratio in the industry. It combines RAM, one-time programmable (OTP) ROM, I/Os, an interrupt controller, and an automatic display controller/driver in a small device.Its extraordinary features is the capability of operating in low voltage range from 2.2V ~ 3.6V and also operating under low power. This device is capable for many application fields such as low power watch and other LCD related products.
- Built-in 8-bit processor
- 2432-byte SRAM
- 64K-byte OTP ROM(GPL811P08A)
32K-byte OTP ROM(GPL811P04A)
- 88 byte DPRAM
- Built-in 225k/500k/1000k/1800kHz RC oscillator for system operation
- adjustable CPU clock speed : 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 for ROSC
- Built-in 30.72kHz RC oscillator & 32768 Crystal oscillator circuit for timebase
- Low standby current, ISTBY < 1uA @3.6V, 25??/li>
- 22 general I/O pins.
- PD[5:0](PD[5:3] shared with SEG[57:59]; PD[1:0] shared with 2 buzzers)
- PC[3:0](shared with SEG[53:56])
- PA[3:0](shared with SPI SDO/SDI/SCK/CSN pin
- PE[7:0]
- Built-in 2 x RFC function (PD2 used as input, PD[5:3] used as output)
- Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI)
- CSN/SCK/SDI/SDO pin shared with PA[0:3]
- LCD configurations: 11 coms x 60 segs (MAX) , 3x60, 4x60, 5x60, 6x60, 8x60, 9x60, 10x60, 4x64
- LCD 1/3 ,1/4 bias; 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/9, 1/10, 1/11 duty
- One 16-bit reloadable timer/counter(Timer0), one 8-bit reloadable timer/counter(Timer1)
- Watchdog mode (~2 sec)
- 9 interrupt sources
(TMBB, TMBA, 128Hz, 2KHz, Timer0, Timer1, EXT(PD2), SPI, LVD(2.0V/2.2V/2.4V/2.6V))
- Power down mode
(wake-up source: key input, TMBB, TMBA, 128Hz, Timer0)
- Low power consumption:
- 200u @ 3.6V, FCPU = 225KHz for operating mode
- 3u@ 3.6V, FCPU = 225KHz for halt mode
- I stby < 1uA @ 3.0V
- Built_in internal regulator for LCD operation, 5-level contrast control
- Built_in Low voltage reset to avoid system runaway at low voltage
Note1: TMBB: 4KHz, 1KHz, 128Hz, 64Hz, 32Hz, 16Hz, 8Hz or 4Hz
Note2: TMBA: 2Hz or 1Hz
Sample Codes :

GPL811P0X RTC Demo V1.0 - V1.0