General Description
GPL812P02A, a special designed CMOS 8-bit microprocessor by Generalplus, features 256-byte RAM, 16KB one-time programmable (OTP) ROM, up to 25 software selectable general I/Os, an interrupt controller, and an automatic display controller/driver in a small device. It has a Clock Stop mode for power savings, which saves the RAM contents, but freezes the oscillator to make all other chip functions inoperative, and the stop mode can be released by using external wakeup sources. This device is applicable for many applications such as low power watch and other LCD relevant products.
- Built-in 8-bit processor
- 256-byte SRAM
- 16K-byte OTP ROM
- 128 bit DPRAM
- Built-in 4M/8MHz Crystal or IOSC for system operation
- internal oscillator with ±5% precision .
- Built-in 32kHz IOSC or 32768Hz Crystal oscillator circuit for timebase.
- Operating voltage:
- 4.0MHz@2.0V~3.6V or 8.0MHz@2.4V~3.6V selectable by code option
- Built-in Standby mode (Clock Stop mode) & Halt mode(with LCD and 32K timer on) for power saving
- Low standby current, ISTBY < 1u @3.6V, 25??/li>
- Low halt mode current, Ihalt < 8u @3.6V, 25??/li>
- Up to 25 bi-directional tri-state I/O ports
- PA0~PA7 (SEG16~23),
- PB0~1(INT0, INT1); PB2;
- PC0~PC7 (SEG24~31)
- PD7,VPP(PD5), X32O(PD3), X32I(PD2), XTI(PD1), XTO(PD0)
- RFC (Resister to Frequency Converter)
- Uses 12-bit timer (Timer1) counter
- PC7 as RFC input, PC6/5/4 as RFC output
- LCD configurations: 4 coms x 32 segs (MAX)
- Frame rate is 85Hz.
- LCD 1/2, 1/3 bias; 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 duty; VLCD = VDD
- Four timers
- Basic timer provides Fosc/4194304 watch dog source
- Timer0 is a general purpose 8-bit timer with input clock selectable
- Timer1 is a general purpose 12-bit timer with input clock selectable
- 32K timer is a time base wakeup source with frequency selectable
- 10 interrupt sources
- TM0O, TM1O, CPUDiv1K, CPUDiv4K, CPUDiv32K, CPUDiv2M, TBHF, TBLF, EXTINT1 and EXTINT0 interrupts
- Wakeup source
- Key (Port B/C/D) change wakeup
- 32K time base wakeup(TBHF/TBLF)
- LVD (Low voltage detect)
- Sense VDD voltage@ 2.1V / 2.4V (register option)
Note1: TBHF: 128Hz, 256Hz, 512Hz or 1KHz
Note2: TBLF: 2Hz, 4Hz, 8Hz or 16Hz
Sample Codes :

GPL812xx RTC Calendar Demo Code V1.0 - V1.0