General Description
The GPL833F12A, an 8-bit microprocessor, features 96KB flash memory, 3072 bytes working RAM, 384 bytes LCD RAM, 16 dedicated I/Os, 24 COM/SEG shared I/Os, interrupt/ wakeup controller, four 16-bit timers, SPI interface, one 8-channel SAR ADC with 12-bit resolution for general-purpose application, and automatic display controller/driver for mono LCD. The GPL833F12A contains up to 64 segments and 24 commons, forming a maximum of 1536 dots LCD resolution. GPL833F12A operates over a wide voltage range from 1.8V through 3.6V, and a Low Voltage Reset function to assure system keeps operating properly when power drops below certain level. Moreover, there is one In-circuit emulator (ICE) with two pins to facilitate full speed in-system debug.
- 8-bit microprocessor
- 96K-byte Flash with high endurance
- Minimum 200,000 program/erase cycles
- Minimum 20 years data retention
- 1KB page size
- Supports self-erasing and self-programming
- Security bit supported
- 3072-byte SRAM
- 384-byte LCD RAM
- Operating voltage: 1.8V – 3.6V
- Built-in X’tal 32.768KHz oscillator circuit for real time clock function and system operating clock
- Built-in PLL 2.048MHZ/4.096MHZ/8.192MHZ for system operating clock
- Programmable CPU clock: 1, /2, /4, /8, for X’tal 32768Hz or PLL.
- Internal built-in regulator to supply core power (1.8V, for 3-battery application).
- Programmable LCD driver
- Up to 64 segments and 24 commons, forming a maximum of 1536 dots LCD resolution
- Supports from 1/2 duty up to 1/24 duty
- 384 bytes dedicated LCD RAM
- Supports normal type-B and type-C LCD waveform with or without key scan
- Built-in voltage regulator to generate VLCD for LCD driver
- Supports 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 bias
- 16-level contrast control (VLCD=VDD~6.5V)
- Low Voltage Detector
4-level (1.9V/2.0V/2.2V/2.6V) voltage detector
- Low Voltage Reset
- Power saving SLEEP mode
- Power saving HALT mode
- One 8-channel 12-bit resolution ADC
- Capacitor sensing touch hardware for 32 I/Os
- In-circuit emulator (ICE) supports on-chip debug, programming and erasing flash memory
- Peripherals
- Max. 40 I/O pins (PA[7:0], PB[7:0], PC[7:0], PD[7:0], PE[7:0])
Dedicated I/Os: PA[7:0], PB[7:0]
Shared pin I/Os:
- Key wakeup/interrupt function
- Built-in 2x RFC function ( PB2 or PB6 as input, PB7 PB[5:4] or PB1 PB[3:0] as output)
- Time base generator
- Stop Watch Timer
- Total of four 16-bit reloadable timer/counters, including two 16-bit general-purpose timers/counters and two touch-sensing timers (can be released for general-purpose use).
- Watchdog timer
- 4-channel PWMIO output
- Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI)
- Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
- I2C (master / slaver mode)
- EL light driver
Sample Codes :

image driver code - V2.6 
GPL833Fxx_RTC+ImageDriver - RTC Calendar V1.0 + ImageDriver V2.6 
CTS Driver Demo Code V1.1 - V1.1