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产品资讯 - GPLB62P100UA1 (OTP)*

GPLB62P100UA1 (OTP)*

Working Voltage (V)Max. CPU Speed(MHz)ROM (Byte)RAM (Byte)I/OCOMxSEG OptionBiasDutySPU / MIDIAudio OutputGray LevelSpriteUSB/SPI/UART32K OSC.WDTLVD/LVR
2.7~5.5, 2.3~3.612, 81M25604632x74, 24x82, 16x901/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/71/2, 1/3 ~ 1/31, 1/328 Channels14bits Push-Pull DAC4 Levels√/2/-ROSC/X'TAL√/√

General Description

The GPLB62P100UA1, an 8-bit microprocessor for handheld LCD product, features 2M bytes OTP ROM, 2560 bytes working RAM,1536 bytes LCD RAM, 22 I/Os, two 16-bit timers, two SPI interfaces, and automatic display controller/ driver for mono/ 4-gray-level LCD. In graphic features, GPLB62P100UA1 contains up to 74 segments and 32 commons, forming a maximum of 2,368 dots LCD resolution. Besides the built-in driver function, the common/segment could be extended with external drivers such as GPLD2080A and GPLD2120A. A LCD sprite function is included in GPLB62P100UA1; it is capable of operating over a wide voltage range from 2.3V through 5.5V, and Low Voltage Reset function to keep system operating properly when power drops below certain level. The GPLB62P100UA1 carries a high performance SPU voice engine to achieve 8-channel ADPCM/PCM high quality voice. Plus, it features one 14-bit DAC with push-pull amplifier to drive speaker directly. Its large memory area allows user to store both program and audio data in one place. The USB device function assures data transmitted in super high speed with reliability as well. There is a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) controller built-in to facilitate communicating with other devices. Furthermore, a SLEEP (power-down) function is also built-in to extend battery life.


8-bit micro-processor

1M bytes OTP ROM

2560-byte SRAM

1536-byte LCD RAM

Operating voltage: 2.3V – 5.5V

Max. CPU operating speed:
12.0MHz @ 2.7V – 5.5V
8.0MHz @ 2.3V – 3.6V

Programmable CPU clock: /2, /4, /8, /16, /32, /64 and /128 clock frequency

Six wake-up sources

23 IRQs & 4 NMI Interrupts

Internal built-in regulator to supply core power (3.3V, for 3-battery application). Also internal built-in regulator can be turned off and external 3.6V power is used to supply core power (for 2-battery application).

Supports USB 2.0 full speed (12MHz) compliant device with built-in transceiver

SPU(Sound Processing Unit) engine with 8 voice channels
Supports 4/5 bit ADPCM and 8/16 bit PCM data format
Transform 4/5 bit ADPCM data to 14 bit data to play high quality sound
Supports special tag such as Silence Tag, Event tag

One software channel with noise filter to play high quality sound.

LCD sprite function
Supports special function such as PIP, data shift, and write back etc.

Programmable LCD driver
Up to 74 segments and 32 commons, forming a maximum of 2368 dots LCD resolution

The segment could be further extended with external drivers such as GPLD2080A and GPLD2120A.

Supports up to 32 x 192 gray level LCD panel with two GPLD2080.

Supports up to 32 x 384 mono level LCD panel with four GPLD2080.

Supports from 1/2 duty up to 1/32 duty

1536 bytes dedicated LCD RAM

Supports normal type-B and type-C LCD waveform with or without key scan

Built-in voltage regulator to generate VLCD for LCD driver

46-level contrast control (VLCD=3.5V~8V)

Power saving SLEEP mode

Low Voltage Detector
8-level (2.3V/2.4V/2.6V/2.9V/3.0V/3.3V/3.6V/4.0V) voltage detector

Low Voltage Reset

Peripherals Max. 46 I/O pins (PA[7:0], PB[7:0], PC[5:0], PD[7:0], PE[7:0] , PF[7:0])

Dedicated I/Os: PA[7:0], PB[7:0], PC[5:0]

Shared pin I/Os: PD[3:0]/SEG[3:0]/LCDDI[3:0]







Eight I/Os with high sink current for LED application

Key wakeup/interrupt function

Built-in 32.768KHz oscillator circuit for real time clock function (X'tal or R-osc)

Built-in R-oscillator (external resistor is needed) or X'tal or PLL for system operating clock

Internal time base generator

Two 16-bit reloadable timer/counters

Watchdog timer

14-bit DAC with push-pull amplifier for driving speaker directly

IR output

Hardware PWMIO

Two SPI serial interface I/Os

Powerful 8-ch Sound Processing Unit (SPU) Variable tone-color sampling rate: max = 96KHz @ SPU_clock = 24MHz

8-voice polyphony

Supports PCM/ADPCM tone-color table
