GPM8F3750A are highly integrated microcontroller which integrates a pipelined 1T 8051 CPU, 2K byte XRAM, 256-byte IDM SRAM and 32K-byte program FLASH. It supports up to 26 programmable multi-functional I/Os, Timer0/1, CCP0/1, Timer A/B, UART0/2, one SPI (master/slaver), one I2C (master/slaver), one real time counter, one Capacitive Touch Sensor , one 10-channle SAR ADC with 12-bit resolution for general-purpose application. It operates over a wide range of working voltage, from 2.2V through 5.5V, in different clock sources. It has one mode in power management unit. Moreover, there is one on-chip debug circuit with two pins to facilitate full speed in-system debug.
High speed, high performance 1T 8051
100% software compatible with industry standard 8051
Pipeline RISC architecture enables to execute instructions 10 times faster than standard 8051
Up to 32MHz clock operation
2K bytes XRAM
256 bytes internal Data Memory (IDM) SRAM
32K bytes FLASH with high endurance
Minimum 100K program/erase cycles
Minimum 20us program time
Minimum 2ms page erase time, 10ms macro erase time.
Minimum 10 years data retention
1KB page size
Flexible AP and ISP memory size
Protect for FLASH memory access
Programming read only level for software security
Clock Management
Internal oscillator with 32MHz±5% @ 2.2V~5.5V
Internal oscillator with 32KHz ± 10% @2.2~5.5V
Crystal input with 32KHz
Power Management
One stop mode for power saving
Interrupt Management
19 interrupt sources
Four wakeup sources
Up to two external interrupt sources
Up to 16 keyboard interrupt sources
Reset Management
Power On Reset (POR)
Low Voltage Reset (LVR)
Pad Reset (PAD_RST)
Watchdog Reset (WDT_RST)
Software Reset (S/W_RST)
FLASH Access Error Reset (ADDR_ERR_RST)
Programmable Watchdog Timer
A time-base generator
An event timer
System supervisor
I/O Ports
26 multifunction bi-direction I/Os
Each incorporate with pull-up resistor, pull-down resistor, output high, output low , output driving capability and floating input which depending on programmer’s settings on the corresponding registers
I/O ports with 12mA current source
I/O ports with 12mA current sink
8 I/O ( PORT0 ) with 70mA high sink current.
Two 16-bit Timer/Counter (Timer0/1)
Timer mode with selectable clock source
13-bit/ 16-bit up-count timers
Auto reload 8-bit timers
Two 8-bit timers
Externally gated event counters
Two 16-bit Timer (TimerA/B)
Timer mode with selectable clock source
Auto reload 16-bit timers
Two 16-bit Compare / Capture / PWM Unit(CCP 0/1)
Timer mode with selectable clock source
Auto-reload 16-bit timers
Event capturing
Pulse width modulation and measurement
One synchronous mode
Three asynchronous modes
Full duplex, asynchronous communications
Single wire half duplex communication.
Wide range baud rate generator
Programmable data word length (8 or 9 bits)
Configurable stop bits (1 or 2 stop bits)
SPI (master / slaver mode)
Programmable phase and polarity of master clock
Programmable master SPI clock frequency
A/D Converter
10-channel 12-bit resolution ADC
Max conversion rate@125K sps
Control independent per set
Programmable A/D conversion data width
Support 4 sets ADC_VREF voltage select
I2C (master / slaver mode)
Programmable master I2C clock frequency
Max I2C clock:400KHz.
Key Change
Programmable 16 IOs key change interrupt
Programmable 16 IOs key change wakeup source.
Max DMA transfer size is 2K
DMA path :
Timer B capture register(CTC) to XRAM
Programmable real time counter wakeup condition.
60 second / 30 second / 1 second / 0.5 second
Capacitive Touch Sensor unit
Up to 23-channel Capacitive Touch sensor
CTC Mode, 16 bits Timer B to measure the time duration for CTC_DUTY.