General Description
The GPT8340A, an 8-bit microprocessor developed by Generalplus, features 1M bytes Mask ROM, 1.5K bytes working RAM, 512 bytes AUX RAM, 22 I/Os, two 16-bit timers, two SPI interfaces, a 14-bit DAC with push-pull amplifier for driving speaker directly. The GPT8340A is designed to operate over a wide voltage, ranging from 2.3V through 5.5V. The Low Voltage Reset function keeps system operating properly when power drops below certain level. The GPT8340A is incorporated a high performance SPU voice engine to implement 8-channel ADPCM/PCM high quality voice and one 14-bit DAC with push-pull amplifier to drive speaker directly. Its large memory area allows user to store both program and audio data in one place. A Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) controller is also built in GPT8340A to facilitate communication between devices. For more information about GPT8340A's feature list, please refer to the following section.
- 8-bit micro-processor
- 1M bytes Mask ROM
- 1.5K bytes SRAM
- 512 bytes AUX RAM
- Operating voltage: 2.3V – 5.5V
- Max. CPU operating speed:
- 12.0MHz @ 2.7V – 5.5V
- 8.0MHz @ 2.3V – 3.6V
- Programmable CPU clock: /2, /4, /8, /16, /32, /64 and /128 clock frequency
- Six wake-up sources
- 23 IRQs & 4 NMI Interrupts
- Internal built-in regulator to supply core power (3.3V, for 3-battery application). Also, internal built-in regulator can be turned off and external power is used to supply core power (for 2-battery application).
- SPU(Sound Processing Unit) engine with 8 voice channels
- Supports 4/5 bit ADPCM and 8/16 bit PCM data format
- Transform 4/5 bit ADPCM data to 14 bit data to play high quality sound
- Supports special tag such as Silence Tag, Event tag
- One software channel with noise filter to play high quality sound.
- Low Voltage Detector
8-level (2.3V/ 2.4V/2 .6V/ 2.9V/ 3.0V/ 3.3V/ 3.6V/ 4.0V) voltage detector
- Low Voltage Reset
- Peripherals
- Dedicated I/Os: PA[7:0], PB[7:0], PC[5:0], PD[7:0], PE[7:0], PF[7:0]
- Eight I/Os with high sink current for LED application
- Key wakeup/interrupt function
- Built-in 32.768KHz oscillator circuit for real time clock function (X'tal or R-osc)
- Built-in R-oscillator (external resistor is needed) l or PLL for system operating clock
- Internal time base generator
- Two 16-bit reloadable timer/counters
- Watchdog timer
- 14-bit DAC with push-pull amplifier for driving speaker directly
- IR output
- Hardware PWMIO
- Two SPI serial interface I/Os
- Powerful 8-ch Sound Processing Unit (SPU)
- Variable tone-color sampling rate: max = 96KHz @ SPU_clock = 24MHz
- 8-voice polyphony
- Supports PCM/ADPCM tone-color table
Sample Codes :

GPT8 touch ELA sample code - V2.1.0