General Description
GPCD3TC170B series features a maximum of 1M-byte internal ROM, up to 1024-byte working SRAM, three 12-bit timers, 32 general I/Os, two 12-bit current DAC and one 14-bit audio PWM driver. For audio processing, melody and speech can be mixed into one output. GPCDXTCXXXB is implemented with a high performance SPU voice engine to generate 8-channel high-quality sound voice in ADPCM/PCM format. It operates in a wide voltage range, from 2.2V through 5.5V, along with low voltage reset function. In addition, a sleep mode is designed to save powers for those applications with limited power resources available. A Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) controller is also included to facilitate communication with other devices and components.
- 8-bit micro-processor
- Max. of 1024-byte SRAM
- Operating voltage: 2.2V – 5.5V
- Max. of CPU operating speed : 8.0MHz (Fosc=16MHz)
- Five wakeup sources
- 20 IRQs & 6 NMI Interrupts .
- Internal built-in regulator to supply core power
- SPU(Sound Processing Unit) engine
- Supports 4-bit ADPCM data format and TAG mode
- Supports special tag, such as silence and event tags
- 8-voice polyphony
- Two software channels with noise filter for high quality sound playback
- Low Voltage Detection
- 8-level (2.2V/ 2.4V/ 2.6V/ 2.8V/ 3.0V/ 3.2V/ 3.4/ 3.6V) voltage detector
- Low Voltage Reset
- Peripherals
- Max. of 32 I/O pins (IOA[7:0], IOB[7:0], IOC[7:0], IOD[7:0]) (varied by IC)
- 12 I/Os with high sink current
- Key wakeup/interrupt function
- Built-in 32.768KHz oscillator circuit for real time clock function (X’tal or R-osc)
- Built-in R-oscillator (external resistor is needed), X’tal or internal R-oscillator (only 16MHz available for IOSC) for system operating clock
- Internal time base generator
- Three 12-bit timer/counter, TMA with capture and comparison function, TMB/TMC with comparison function (Programmable and auto reload)
- Watchdog function
- 14-bit PWM driver for driving speaker directly
- Two 12-bit current DACs
- IR output
- Max. of 12 hardware PWMIOs
- One SPI serial interface I/Os
- Hardware Touch function
- One set built-in comparator with PGA.
- 8-channel SPU engine with ADPCM/PCM wave table
- Sleep mode to reduce power